The book of colossians commentary chapter 13

The letters to the colossians and to philemon the pillar new testament commentary pntc moo, douglas j. The chapter ends with pauls description of his ministry, in which he gladly suffered on behalf of christ and his church. Colossians answers that, colossians has something to say about destiny, something to say about the future. Colossians attacks the false teachings while ephesians develops its central themes to prepare other churches for the coming heresy. Book of colossians matthew henrys bible commentary. Most of them involve the way we deal with each other because a major part of what god is teaching us has to do with building and solidifying our relationships. Four ways to walk in a manner worthy of the lord col. The apostle exhorts us to set our hearts upon heaven and take them off from this world, colossians 3. The apostle exhorts us to set our hearts upon heaven and take them off from this world v. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son, colossians 1. There existed churches at all three places colossians 4. In the 19th century, however, some thought that the heresy refuted in ch. This basic commentary provides some basic helps for understanding and appreciating pauls written address to the colossians.

The epistle of paul to the colossians, or simply colossians, is the twelfth book of the new testament. A free bible commentary on pauls letter to the colossians in easyenglish. Read colossians commentary using john gills exposition of the bible. It was written, according to the text, by paul the apostle and timothy to the church in colossae, a small phrygian city near laodicea and approximately 100 miles 160 km from ephesus in asia minor scholars have increasingly questioned pauls authorship and attributed. He earnestly presses to mutual love and compassion v. Colossians 1 bible commentary matthew henry concise. Jesus christ is not only our savior but also our creator. When paul speaks of putting on the new man here, he gives us several attitudes we need to emulate as followers of christ. The first 2 chapters present christ as our lord, chapter 3 presents christ as. Colossians 1 commentary william barclays daily study bible.

Colossians 3 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. God has chosen me to be an apostle of christ jesus. Many regard the commentary as the best older work on the greek text. Colossians chapter 3 matthew henry complete commentary. Verses 14 remind christians about what god has done for them in the past. Colossians overview, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this. Paulos apostolos christou iesou dia th elemato s theou kai timotheos o adelphos. Study the bible online using commentary on colossians 1 and more. The scope of the epistle is to show, that all hope of mans redemption is founded on christ, in whom alone are all complete fulness, perfections, and sufficiency. This verse forms the transition, by which paul is led on to the instructions as to christ, which he has it in view to give down to colossians 1.

Paul must mean that this translation is spiritual because gods kingdom has not yet literally been established on earth. Paul has much to say of the hope, to which the colossians have already listened and which they have already accepted. He is the subject of the powerful description in isaiah 40. This can be logically explained only on the premise that paul was well acquainted in two of these cities and unacquainted in hierapolis. Perhaps epaphras heard the gospel himself when paul was in ephesus.

Watch our overview video on the book of colossians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Colossians 1 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. And in verse it talks about a coming kingdom or a kingdom with a coming aspect. A bible study in easyenglish 2800 word vocabulary on the book of colossians. Christ is the image of the invisible god, the son of his love col 1. Colossians 1 paul, an apostle of christ jesus by the. In this letter to the colossians, paul establishes christ as their north starthe. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son he loves, colossians 1. Read colossians 1 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. Read colossians commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. Barclay this is a letter from paul, an apostle of jesus.

We may say that each of pauls greater epistles has in it one salient thought. The best educated guess for the writing of colossians ephesians and philemon is pauls first imprisonment, in the early 60s. Tychicus, along with onesimus, probably took the letters of colossians, ephesians, and philemon to asia minor. The gospel is the good news about jesus christ, which is for everyone. Enduring word bible commentary colossians chapter 1. Colossians chapter 2 coffmans commentary of the new. Introduction to colossians chapter 1 john macarthur. He exhorts to the mortification of sin, in the various instances of it, colossians 3. Walking worthily of the lord to please him in all respects col. Colossians commentary matthew henry commentary on the.

David guzik commentary on colossians 1, which emphasizes the greatness of jesus. Giving thanks to god who has made us fit to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints. Like ephesians, the little book of colossians divides neatly in half with the. The letters to the colossians and to philemon the pillar. Easyenglish is a system of simple english designed by wycliffe associates uk. Paul addressed letters to colossae and laodicea colossians 4. Enduring word bible commentary colossians chapter 2. Among these are the incomprehensibility of god and the origin of sin and evil.

Paraphrase of colossians and commentary of colossians. He exhorts to the mortification of sin, in the various instances of it v. The colossians own conversion is offered as a case in point in reference to the latter, and with a warning for them to remain steadfast 2123. Philippians was the last of the prison letters, probably written toward the mid 60s. When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, god. Chapter 1 this epistle was sent because of some difficulties which arose among the colossians, probably from false teachers, in consequence of which they sent to the apostle.

Colossians is also very similar in content to ephesians and philemon, with about one fourth of colossians actually contained in the book of ephesians. The letters to the colossians and to philemon the pillar new testament commentary pntc. He is the image of the invisible god, the firstborn over all creation. Colossians free bible study commentary in simple english. Study colossians using matthew henrys bible commentary concise to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. Verse 5 epaphras had taught the colossians the true message of the gospel verse 7. In the early church, all who speak on the subject of authorship ascribe it to paul. Colossians commentary john gills exposition of the bible. Its message is of a god who is a friend and lover of the souls of men. The apostle paul salutes the colossians, and blesses god for their faith, love, and hope. Epaphras must have seen these qualities in the christians at colossae. Now paul describes their glorious deliverance from a condition of former hopelessness. Choose a chapter and verse from colossians to begin your versebyverse study of gods word using the more than 100 commentaries available on studyl.

Paul, an apostle special messenger of christ jesus the messiah, by the will of god, and timothy our brother. As we see in the next few verses, he comments specifically on the husband. Most commentators are certain that paul was indeed the author. From these sources we learn that epaphras was responsible for bringing the gospel to the colossians colossians 1. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. In the process the reader will encounter our discussions on several major, and at times controversial, doctrines and issues. Colossians 1, holman christian standard bible hcsb the. And concludes with exhortations to relative duties, of wives and husbands, parents and children. James rosscup writes that lightfoot is excellent in this 1865 work revised in 1879. For i want you to know what a great conflict i have for you and those in laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh. Study the bible online using commentary on colossians and more. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance. In that to the romans, it is justification by faith.

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